Monday, 11 October 2010

Newspaper/Magazine Task

Q1) Who is the owner of the 'News Publication' company?
The owner of the company is Rupert Murdoch

Q2) Give the names of three publications that belong to this company.
The three publications that belong to the company are: Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and Tazmanian

Q3) Which countries and contents does this company publish Newspapers and Magazines in?
His newspapers and magazines are in Australisia, United Kingdom, United States and International

Q4) What does this tell you aboutthe owner and the company?
This tells you that he is a rich and a poerful man

Q5) What was the first magazine published in the U.K called?
The first magazine that was published in the U.K was called "The Gentleman's Magazine"

Q6) In relation to magazine covers, what is meant by seasonal theme?
It Means colour schemes changes in each season.

Q7) What is meant by the term 'Disposible Income?
Disposible Income is when personal incomeminus personal current taxes

Q8) What is 'subsidisation' in relation to newspapers and Magazines?
When a journalist makes a story held at a ordinary rate,te newspapers mail subscribers for only a fractions of the cost

Q9)What is Meant by 'Primary consumer?
A Primary consumer is someone who is focused on the newspaper

Q10) What is meant by seconday consumer?
A Primary consumer is someone who doesn't pay enough attention to the newspaper